Dinner went well- I made a chicken and pasta dish I made up a couple weeks ago (threw together after work one night) and it was a big hit! I used my nifty new favorite kitchen gadget, my julienne tool. Funny how a few shreds of zucchini makes you a gourmet chef. Anne brought a carrot cake from a new recipe that was (although I never would have thought this was possible) even better than her "old" recipe. I am STUFFED!
Today's photo is not at all spooky, but it IS autumnal. I love how the late afternoon sun gives my house a lavender tint that makes the orange lanterns pop!
It would be pretty to have a house in that pale lilac color. And lucky you to grow beautiful Chinese Lanterns like that. Sigh. I really have to take back my gardening time.
I can't take any of the credit for the Chinese Lanterns. They came with the house and every year there are more and more of them. Moonflowers too!
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