I had hoped to have October go out with a bang, at least a few good photos from last night, but the sad truth was, Halloween was a bust! We both worked late enough to miss any little little trick or treaters who may have come, and only had two older kids. This is the one day a year I envy those people who live in housing developments where parents drop off their kids by the van full.
I did get to see a family all dressed up in coordinating costumes get out of their car and go into the restaurant next to where I work- Santa, Mrs. Santa, and elf, and even a tiny reindeer! Well, Halloween IS the beginning of the holiday season, isn't it?
We had about 20 kids at our door last night. Tommy and Daddy went to the local school where they had candy, free hot dogs, and such, for the kids from his school.
I had to work and missed most of the fun, but still enjoyed the night as many of the trick or treaters that came to the house came after I got home!
This morning we took up all the Halloween decorations and put out the autumn wreath. Later today, after work, I hope to decorate the light post out front with some Thanksgiving ribbons and such.
Candy is now all hidden in the house from our sugar baby :) But I KNOW where it is! I claim that all chocolate candy is not safe for Tommy to eat. I will 'save' him from that danger!
My DH is allergic to chocolate, so of course I have to save HIM from certain death (okay, not really, just a bad rash) !
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