Thursday, May 29, 2008

Patty Piper Pieced a Pair...

...of Painless Pointless Pinwheels. Not great pictures as they're not quilted yet- these are just some quick shots I took to go to my pattern testers. This is my latest pattern; I'm going to introduce it at a show next month- oops, make that possibly two shows, I'll be vending at one, probably exhibiting at another the next weekend. And teaching it at a not-yet-determined date. It was the most fun project I've worked on in a while. Two tops in a weekend- ya gotta love that!

My Baby's Back! Meet Lady Macbeth

I decided after owning it for only almost two years, it was time to get my Featherweight 222K in running condition. Here's the story:
DH and I go the the flea market in nearby Charlestown, RI nearly every Sunday in the summer. One day I decided not to go, and of course that's when hubby found it. Like all quilters, I had lusted after one, and the price was good, the visuals were great, and I became the owner of my long awaited Featherweight (and case, and attachments). After drooling over it for about half an hour, I suddenly realized it was a free-arm; at that time I didn't know free-arm Featherweights existed. A bit of research and I discovered how scarce they are, and what a great deal DH had gotten. It was running (barely), but I knew a Featherweight repairman, and it was certainly worth putting a bit of money into.
So- now it runs like a dream and maybe one of these days I'll actually have time to do some sewing on it.
Oh yeah, why Lady Macbeth? It seems like Featherweight owners like to name their machines, usually dorky old lady names. I'm not the Emma Lou type, and as free-arms were all made in Scotland, the obvious choice to me was to name her after one of my favorite literary characters.

2028 pieces (but who's counting?)

...and that's only one quilt. In the past 2 months I've made four quilts, a table topper, and a runner, all awaiting quilting, as soon as I get my batting. Still no definite ideas for the packet of pale lavender and aqua fabrics I bought at the show last month; right now leaning toward something with curved piecing, maybe some slightly darker piping. No good pictures of any of these projects yet. But to keep everyone happy I'll share a cute pet picture. This is Mosquito in costume last Halloween. I cropped out a lot of the background and gave it a catchy title, "Aerial View of Flower Girl Walking Down the Aisle".